Friday, June 11, 2010


So I woke up at 6am and updated my blog. I spent 2 HOURS writing about saturday to wednesday. I felt so proud of myself when I finished,

Then I went downstairs and cleaned up the basement a bit. I saw my doggie and she got up off of her comfy couch, wagged her tail, and ran over to me when she saw that I had a treat in my hand!!

***SIDENOTE***We got my doggie from a petsmart adoption drive, and she was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO scared! She wouldnt even walk around. It was almost impossible to get her in the car to take her home, and when we took her home, she hid inbetween our sheds where no one could get to her. It took us weeks for her to get comfortable with just broham and me, and she still isnt comfortable with the rest of the fam. She doesnt usually wag her tail, she always hids her head, and gets REALLY scared whenever there are visitors. We dont know how old she is, because the adoption people said "from 2-3 years old" while the vet said "from 3-6 years old". Also her supposed original weight was "50lbs" she is apparently over 100lbs!!! Padre has been fighting me about keeping doggie since I got her, and I have taken on the full responsibility of feeding her, giving her attention, taking her out and walking her***SIDENOTE***

Also when I sat down with doggie today, she walked OVER broham to get to me and I petted her for a good while.

Then I went to the grocery store, and got the food madre requested.

Afterwards I came home, showered and went with Shaggy over to the watering hole he had been telling me about. We had to walk deep into a forest and when we got there we had to walk a mile on sharp rocks. The water was SOOO COLD! But I still had fun. We threw around a football for a little while until we got too cold and walked back to the car.

He took me to McDonalds for lunch, and I got a Big Mac(I felt disgusting afterwards but I hadnt had one in such a long time, and I hoped that they had gotten healthier >.<) and we drove over to a park to eat. After we ate we jumped around on this "springy" toy thing and then I stole his shoes. He takled me really hard, and bruised my shins. :(

After Shaggy took me home I went on FB for a little while and saw that my friend(who I hadnt talked to in a couple years) was presenting some of her art at the HS art show, and I decided that I wanted to go see it. When I got there, SHAGGY WAS THERE TOO and he acted all awkward when he saw me. I looked around until I could find my friend's art work but I couldnt find it and I tried to leave. As I was walking out I saw her from down the hallway(Lets call her Chanel, like the famous designer Chanel) anyways, and Chanel saw me and RAN from her end of the hallway over to where I was. She hugged me and I hugged her. I missed that girl.

She told me about where she was going to college and showed me where her art was displayed. She had made the most beautiful jewelery, had pretty photographs, and very detailed paintings. Chanel's friend's little sister came up to me for some reason, and introduced herself, saying that I was really pretty and that she liked my necklace! WOW! That NEVER happens! It was the cutest thing! She followed me and Chanel around for a bit, hugging me every now and then, and then I had to head back home to have dinner with Gpa and broham. I hope that I can keep in contact with Chanel like we have been planning to....

So I get home, and madre is there. She asks for our (me and broham's) help in bringing down my old bedframe and matress so that she could deliver it to her friend from work. It took us a while, but we got all the pieces down the stairs and into her car. She left and Gpa, broham and me went to Anthony's Restaurant for dinner.

It was a little more crowded than usual, but the scenery was still nice. We chitchatted until the food came about old movies and new movies, with Gpa constantly saying how nice it was that I came. I got a BBQ chicken sub and it was really good. I also got flan for dessert (not so good. maybe im just not a flan person.) There were at least 3 birthday parties going on at Anthony's and the children were somewhat well behaved, as well behaved as sugarhigh kids could be. AND THERE WAS THIS LADY WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, POOFY CURLY HAIR! I never thought poofy curly hair could look so pretty, but she pulled it off so well!

I went back home and got a call from Dove about hanging out with the moremans at fatugly's house. I said yes, and she came and picked me up. We were almost there, with 2 of her friends from BYU and her brother CMAN in the car, when she decides to invite Bring'em too. We get to his house, and he has to lie across me, CMAN and one of the BYU girls.

We get to fatugly's house and there is a large group of the moremans playing on the zipline and hanging out on the top of the tree house. We hung out there for a while(I didnt want to do the zipline) and then we(Littleman, the 2 BYU girls, Dove and Cman) went on a creek adventure walk.(2nd one today!) We walk all the way to this rope swing and my feel are KILLING ME. We hanng around the rope swing for a while then make our way back to the house. On the way back, I TRIP and fall into the creek. GREAT. So I am soaking wet while everyone else is dry.

So on the way back to the house, one of the BYU girls pulls me aside and starts talking to me about Converse shoes. AWESOME! ANOTHER CONVERSE ENTHUSIAST!! :D.....I am such a dork....

Then we go into the house, and everyone branches off to do their own thing. Some moremans are making crepes, some are playing ping pong and some are swinging on the indoor swing, and I am just standing, making a puddle of water and blood, and I was afraid to move and make a mess. I started feeling weary and sick and lonely, so I called madre to pick me up and I called my boi to talk to while I waited for her.

Madre picks me up and takes me home and makes me a bath! ^.^ I felt like I was 5 years old getting ready for bath time, except I was unable to stand on my feel from all the bruising they had taken.

I wash off and call my boi over to hang out. I missed him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! And then we went to bed ;)

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