Thursday, June 10, 2010

...And Sunday?

So I wake up at 8am (SO EARLY!) to get ready for church at 9am.
-Because the moremans had invite me to there little thing last night and I had a really good time

So I sit through Sacrament (the part of church where you sit and listen to people who were picked that week by "God" to speak about lessons relating to church) AND IT IS TESTIMONY SUNDAY

To all unfamiliar with the moreman church,
Testimony Sunday is when there is no set speakers during Sacrament and intead leave the podium open to all that "feel the spirit" to speak about how the church has enhanced their lives.

So it starts out cute, with little kids, no older then 8 years old, going up to the podium proclaiming their love for the church (maybe cute wasnt the right word, CREEPY kinda fits the mold better) then some memeber who are moving from the area talk about how great the church is.

So this goes on for about 2 hours and we "split" for classes. I used to be a part of the senior class, but now I am too old for the senior class and too young for the adults class (Technically I am the right age for the adult's class, but the class has parents in it, and I still feel like a kid) So I get upset and leave.

Dove messages me on FB to see why I ditched, and blamed my insecurities on SATAN...I think she lost her mind....

Then I talked to Scooby again, and he had finished his application to the skate shop in tysons and needed a ride there, since no buses were out on Sunday and he needed to get the application in that day. I drove him there and back, and we talked a little bit. Nothing really interesting, just talking about nothing.

We spent the afternoon and most the night together. (I had to ditch for a little while because I made plans with some friends to meet for pizza) And my boi was so kind to drive me there!

So my two friends:
Stubborn: She is very opinionated and very upfront and confrontal. She is vegitarian, but not because she is against eating animals but for a bet. She makes sure that whenever she goes out to eat, whoever she is with CANNOT have ANY meat in their dish.
Bubbley: She is really sweet, always happy, and very quiet. Very smart girl too.

We used to hang out a lor in junior year, going out to get food and watching movies. Stubborn and I have a weird relationship in which we tease eachother a lot. And she is kinda judgy. The first thing she said when she saw me was that I "look different". As does she, I mean, she gained a little bit of weight and lost her chin somehow... but she is still the same girl I knew before. So we are at this pizza place, Pulcinellas, and we got a pizza to split. The pizza was very good, but I wish that I had gotten more to eat...
We caught up on eachothers lives a little. I found out that Stubbornhad trouble with her first roomate and Bubbley had joined a sorority. I told them about community college, and how I was applying for transfer. I also told them about A-man. They disapproved of A-man from the start. And from how I talked about my boi, they were impressed. It was nice to catch up with them again.
My boi picked me up and we spent the rest of the night together.
It was AMAZING. He is AMAZING :)

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