Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BP Oil Spil

So I was reading an article on aol news entitled "To Boycott BP: Yes Or No?" by Kirk Seaman, and it made me think, too, if boycotting BP stations actually does anything.

I have had a brief conversation previously with my boi about this same subject when we were on our way to fuel up my car. He asked where to go and I replied "Anywhere but BP".

So, in reading this article, Kirk Seaman sided with the organization, The Sierra Club. The Sierra Club, who are not boycotting BP, are instead handing out flyers at gas stations to raise awareness about the problems with the country's dependancy on oil.

This is a fine idea, however, I feel like it is inaffective, for flyers are generally thrown away seconds after leaving the hand of the distributor.

BP should be held responsible for their negligence of deep sea drilling. In that effect, they should be made an example of to all the other oil companies who were thinking about taking some of the same risks BP did in destroying the enviornment for their precious black gold.

One of the reasons brought up in the article, was that station owners that are branded under the name of BP are also suffering. I may sound very bitter and inconsiderate for saying this, but, tough sh8t.

For buying into the system of working for the oil companies to distrubute oil instead of trying to find a way to stop the dependancy on oil, these station owners are getting what is coming to them. By patrionizing these stations, the message is being sent that these big oil companies cannot get away with destroying our natural resourses for fuel that will eventually become obsolete.

So, yea. Some of the American public do not know all the details about BP and the deep sea drilling, but they know that it has been taken to far, and I applaud them for boycotting BP.

I do agree, however, that some research should be done on which stations use BP oil (because apparently, BP sells to other gas stations their gas without using the label.

Sales on BP gas have already gone down from 10%-40% in some BP stations.

I will follow up on this article and do some research about ways that I can keep my car, but not use gasoline anymore.

To read the article from aol news, the link is

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