Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

So it is Easter, the first Easter my family is not getting together for an Easter dinner.

It is kinda sad actually. I really do love my family and it breaks my heart that we can't change our busy schedules, even for one day.

My mother's side of the family used to go and have an Easter dinner with green beans and ham and we would color eggs and have an easter egg hunt where we would collect the boiled colored eggs. My grandmother died and left the house to my aunt, who died a month after my grandmother.

The family has not been the same since. My uncles wont talk to us and the large family of 6 (grandma, aunt k, uncle p, uncle b, aunt j and my mom) is now a family of 2 (aunt j and my mom). And we hardly get to see my aunt j and her family more than once or twice a year.

My dad's side usually has an easter dinner, where all the family shows up and we eat and talk the whole time. We used to do easter egg hunts where the eggs were made of plastic and filled with change. Now this year, no one has time.

So we bought a ham (that I cant eat) and we will have an easter dinner. Just the 5 of us. Some family is better than no family I guess...

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