Monday, May 31, 2010


So, I am a converse shoes kinda girl, and I was on this website called

and I saw the coolest/cutest socks EVER!


So definitions of the people in my life that I am talking about without giving away their actual names:

A-man: crazy ex-boyfriend
my boi: my current boyfriend
broham: my brother
mi madre: my mother
padre: my father
doggie: my dog
kitties: my cats
kitty: one of my cats

and I am sure there are more to come as I talk about my daily life, I will make up more names for the people I encounter.

NEW SIMS 3 EXPANSION I am such a dork!

I know I am a dork for liking and playing Sims so often but...

(To all non-Sims players, what happens is when you get your Sim a job, each day at a certain time you send them to work, and wait until they come back. But supposedly in this expansion pack, you go with them to work and work as whatever their profession is!)

And they are cool professions! Like a firefighter, or a ghost hunter, or a tattoo artist, or a doctor, or a private investigator and (supposedly) MORE! :D

***SIDENOTE*** The more I am explaining this and thinking about it, the more embarrassed I am about myself and about my hobbies; I should be looking harder for a job or doing chores or SOMETHING USEFUL, but instead I am blogging about a dumb computer game which wont even matter a year from now. ***SIDENOTE***

Anyways. Comes out June 1st....yea. :/

GOOD MORNING WORLD! Oh, it's afternoon already.........

I woke up about 3 times this morning, at 8am, 11am and 12pm. Gosh I am so lazy.......

And I really miss my boi. :(


So I tried to talk to A-man last night, so that he would stop calling and leaving me bunches of voicemail messages. I called him around 11pm and talked to him until 1am-ish (if you can call that talking). He pretty much did all the talking. I asked him what questions he had so that he could ask me over the phone and STOP CALLING. He asked if I cheated, if I lied and if I cared about him then. The usual questions he always asks. After like 2 minutes of questions he gives me this huge speech about how he knows that I am dating someone else, and that he wants me to be happy, but wants me to be with him and blahhh blahhh BLAHHHH. 2 hours of him ranting about feelings that he thinks that he has and changing his mind every other sentence. my head is still spinning the morning (afternoon) after! I let him know around 12am that I was getting tired and bitter and he needed to wrap up his little speech. Of course he didn't listen, because the conversation went on until 1-fkkin-am. Nothing has changed with him. I am never getting back with that abusive sh*t.
It was really stupid to try to call him. I will never be able to convince him that he and I are done. I'm not calling A-man again!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vanity Plates

So I have decided that I am going to start taking pictures of the lincense plates that say names or words, you know, VANITY PLATES! Ever since I saw the plate "QOOOOQ" as someone's plate, I decided I wanted to take pictures of other people's plates that were cool in that way. I didn't start taking pics until my boi pointed out a plate that said "P1RATE" and had a bunch of pirate things around it. Fast foward to now, I am taking pics, and posting them here!

Tattoo ideas?

So after a lot of thought, I have come to the conclusion that I want to get some tattoos on myself. One idea that keeps coming to mind is a pair of folded wings on my back. In blue flames? Kinda like this:

New start, and a BLOG?!?!

So, I was going to write a book with the title "This Dimension That I Live" but I feel that if I write a blog it would be an easier place to start. SO..................

Here it is. My BLOG. I don't know where to start or what to do. I mean, I know you can post pictures and stuff, but where to start? I guess I will just start with today.


This morning (technically afternoon, but it was after I woke up) I went with mi madre over to a Matress Wearhouse to get a new bed. I REALLY want a king-sized bed, so I have room to roll over (I have had a single bed my whole life, and have CONSTANTLY fallen out of that dang thing!).

PROBLEM: my door is too small to fit a king-sized bed through it.

SOLUTION: two twin sized beds and strap them together!
So we ordered two twins and a foot-board to use as a head-board (because a head-board will not fit through my door either).
So that will be here on Wednesday, and I hope it all goes well!

***SIDENOTE*** I feel so priveleged and extremely spoiled that I even get the opportunity to have a new bed. A king-sized bed at that! I am so lucky.***SIDENOTE***


After the beds, we went to this really nice chinese restaurant"Hong Kong Restaurant" and got some yummy food. Mi madre and I split a serving of dumplings, spring rolls and general tso's chicken (omm nom nom). SOOOOO FULL


Of course there is drama today. But I will spare these details for another day when my head isnt spinning :/