Monday, May 16, 2011

I CAN Be An Artist

I always thought that the doodles I did were never anything special. I liked the way they looked but I NEVER thought I could do ART. I could never draw people or animals or pretty much ANYTHING well, so I doodled. To see that this is a form of art, made me start posting my art on deviantart. I got favorited and liked within the first 5 minutes of my submissions. I feel really confident that I have some raw talent and that I can actually do something with my art. Everyone is an artist. You just have to find out what type of art you are good at.

What Is The Cost Of Moving Foward?

To move foward in technology, and for all intensive purposes psychology, there end up being tests that are morally wrong to get answers. Makeup testing on animals can end up killing them. Testing drugs on monkeys can end up killing them. Doing tests to see how people react to certain situations when they are unaware can scar them for life. I wonder, where is the limit to what we can an cannot do to get our answers? Can we get the same results without harming other lives by testing on something that acts like a person or animal or is a replica of skin or a body so that we do not take away the one life that everything on this earth is entitled to have??

Weather Men, Then And Now

In one country, if a weather man predicts he weather incorrectly, he is killed.

Now I think that is a little extreme, but it really does piss me off when the weather men can pretty much guess the weather and keep their job. You would think that by now, with all the technological advances we have made, that we would at least be able to guess the weather right...

Example: I went to Ocean City Maryland one weekend, and it was supposed to be sunny and in the 70's there. When I got there it was in the 50's >.<


So what do we do about it? Do we just keep trying to guess the weather or update or technology to make it more probably that we are guessing the weather right, and not just for the sake of me and my beach trips. No. But for people who have jobs where they work outside. For the predictions of flash lighting storms could save someone's life or the prediction for snow could save someone's time waiting for a flight that got cancelled because of snow. It would make things much more convinent and safe for everyone. So all you weather people. DO SOMETHING

Blog Dividing Up

Ok, so now I have created 2 other blogs to try to control what information goes where while I blog. I have created: for all of the items I want to add to a dream home that I will make for myself someday and for cute images of animals so I don't m ove away from the point I had in making this blog; as a diary.

I want this blog, This Dimension That I Live, to have a more sentimental meaning then just, ooh that is cool or ooh that was fun, but as a place where I can express my emotions where I am not judged and am able to learn about myself from things I posted in the past about how I felt and posts that I post now that will be past posts that I can look back on. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to post stuff that intrigues me, and that is why I have made a couple other blogs for it. But here, on this blog, it is going to be personal.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I can totally see my brother having these sheets for his bed...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011





Monday, May 2, 2011

Life Lessons

If you get knocked down: get right back up

Trust anyone until the give you a reason not to

Don't hold grudges

Say all that you need to say

Plan out your future or you won't have one

Music is medicine, but children are the cure

Be willing to give up material things in order to make someone else happy

Sleep is always important

Do not set your life around your job or your job around you life. Life and work are all about balance

Be open to all opinions and thoughts

Try your best not to judge

If you feel that something is wrong, it probably is, so trust your gut

Candy is only acceptable over the age of 16 for sad days or for period days. Otherwise you will get fat.

A lie is a passageway to a greater truth

Always keep your guard up

Accept that life is hard, and take care to appreciate the little things

Animals are a great source of comfort

The Devil Side

So when I was upset at my so called friend who decided to drop me I figured, might as well tear this sucker down off of his high chair and let him know what he is messing with.

I got really nasty and said some horrible things which he retaliated with horrible things to say back. I figured, that if that bridge is really burned I might as well enjoy the flames.

I do not feel guilt, he brought this on himself. I am sure I will receive backlash from my actions, because karma comes back around but I really wanted to let him know that he can not do that to people. He can not just decide to be a jerk and to treat people badly because he is in a bad mood. I hope from this he thinks twice before acting that way. I am still very angry at this kid, and I want to get revenge but I will try to get past it. I hope I made him cry and if not I gave him something to really complain about. I do not play the victim, I do not cause drama, I am not a butterface, and I have self respect. I really hope this kid dies a long painful death.

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD

Okay, so apparently Osama Bin Laden is now dead. Shot in the head and buried at sea. I thought the guy was dead years ago....

But what to do with this information? Celebrate>? Take it as a win for team America? Or take the other approach where we look at our population in disdain for celebrating a man's death. I am sure many people celebrated at Hitler's death, but does that make it right?

Interesting fact: Hitler was killed on April 30th, Osama Bin Laden was killed on May 1st

We look at it as a celebration because he was the main conspirator who made 9/11 happen. Many people died as a result of this man's plan to get revenge or to scare America and Americans. But since then, there has been a man hunt searching for him, The Iraq/Iran War, and much hatred towards people of Muslim decent from this country and hatred from the rest of the world against America.

Does the death of this man actually have any importance to the war on terror?

My opinion, is that while this event may have little significance in the big picture, it unites and gives closure to those Americans who were deeply effected by the 9/11 attacks. For them it brings peace and for them I hope they celebrate. The nay sayers who say we should not celebrate over a man's death, do not look at it as an opportunity to unite the country, at least for a single day.

Mission accomplished soldiers, now we have some closure. Today we celebrate, and tomorrow we move on with our lives.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I really do hate people. I especially hate people who are so easily convinced that they listen to whatever the group says and turn on their real friends.
You see, after I got in that fight with my friend that I left at JMU, for some reason my other friend who I had NO problems with, went and started a fight with me, saying that I have no self respect or dignity. You see, I have more respect for myself than I do of most people. This kid, wouldn't even talk to me face to face. Wimp. The sad thing is that I really was this kid's friend. Now he can chill with his pot head friends and hopefully die a very painful long lasting death. I don't ever want to see that kid again.

It also makes me think. Is it me that is the problem or am I right in hating people who I think use me, abuse me and do not treat me right.

I honestly do not care too much about it anymore. Haters gonna hate, but people are always going to bring me down. But I wont let them. Not me.
I am happy with who I am. I am beautiful, and I am smart. I am going to keep being me and I am not going to break because other people do not understand. I am not one for drama except on television. I am not for fake people except on television. I want to live life with the LEAST amount of drama possible. Too bad others do not see me that way.

Kings Dominion!

I went to KINGS DOMINION with GMU Saturday! YAYYY FUNN!

I rode the INTIMIDATOR 305

and the ANACONDA
and the HURLER

it was tons ov fun

I also won DOMO out of a claw machine and won a toy monkey in a guess my wieght contest

The lady guessed 135lbs

She was off by A LOT :D